Read, Share, Recycle
Junior School English

By Mrs Whomsley (Eco Coordinator)

This World Book Day, we celebrated our love of reading in the Junior School whilst also thinking of the planet with our Eco Book Swap! 

Pupils across the year groups brought in a book from home that they had enjoyed and would recommend to a friend. In return, they had the chance to choose a different book, donated by another pupil, to take home and enjoy. It was wonderful to see the excitement as children browsed the selection, discovering new authors, genres and stories, all while giving pre-loved books a new home. 

The Eco Book Swap was a fantastic reminder that we don’t always need to buy new books to experience great stories. Swapping with friends, borrowing from libraries, or choosing second-hand books are all brilliant ways to keep reading, without spending money or adding to waste. Alongside all the fun World Book Day activities, this simple but meaningful act helped reinforce the importance of sustainability - one book at a time! 

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Read, Share, Recycle