Racing on the Thames
Whole School Rowing

By Miss Harris (Head of Rowing)

On Saturday 8th March, the BGS senior eight travelled to London to take part in the Women's Eights Head of the River Race (WEHoRR).

Renowned as the largest women’s rowing race globally, and by happy coincidence occuring on International Women’s Day, the event sees approximately 320 crews (2880 athletes) navigate the 6.8km Championship Course and stands out as the sole race in the UK where novices can compete alongside Olympic champions.

WEHoRR is always a tough race with competition coming from crews predominantly from the Thames. We have been fortunate this year to have no Tideway race cancellations and so our crew went in feeling much more confident and prepared for what was awaiting them than in previous years. This was shown in their improved finish position relative to crews they have met over the course of the Head Season.

 BGS finished 22nd out of 49 junior crews - a performance they should be proud of. We will be back next week for the Schools’ Head of the River Race.

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Racing on the Thames