Mindfulness and Creativity
Junior School Wellbeing

By Mrs Thomas (Year 3 Teacher)

On Wednesday morning, our Year 3 students took part in a Wellbeing Activity Morning with Bedford Prep School, enjoying movement, mindfulness, creativity and teamwork. It was great to see their focus and enthusiasm as they joined activities designed to support both physical and mental wellbeing.

The morning began with a Spring yoga session, where students worked on partner balance poses such as tree pose, seated twist and bridge pose. These required strength, flexibility and communication, with students supporting each other to find stability. The session ended with a peaceful Savasana, leaving everyone feeling calm and refreshed.

Students also had the chance to get creative by making glitter well-being jars, a mindfulness tool designed to soothe the mind and regulate emotions. Watching the glitter settle provided a moment of stillness and focus, encouraging students to pause and breathe whenever they need a reset.

The morning finished with a lively game of round robin in the Spring sunshine, where students took part in team challenges, building communication skills and staying active.

The skills and strategies explored today will help our students feel happy, healthy and balanced in their daily lives.

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Mindfulness and Creativity