Celebrating World Book Day
Junior School

The whole school thoroughly embraced the 21st World Book Day yesterday. The theme this year was #ShareAStory – with our staff sharing their favourite literature ranging from The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins, Alone in Berlin by Hans Fallada, Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari and many more.

Girls and teachers alike dressed up as their favourite book characters and authors, with Alice in Wonderland proving the most popular. It is safe to say that Mrs Inkson’s (Year 5 Teacher) Mad Hatter outfit was a true highlight!

In the Junior School, they celebrated with a special World Book Day assembly, which involved all year groups showing off their costumes on a parade walk.

Then at lunch in the Senior School, there was a screening of The Biggest Book Show on Earth - a World Book Day celebratory video.

View the creative costumes here.

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Celebrating World Book Day