Head of Trent, Nottingham, Sunday 25th February 2018

In summary BGS had three winning crews some by significant margins.

On a very cold but sunny day, the BGS rowing crews took to the water at the River Trent.

The Year 9 crews were off first over 4000m, closely followed by the three Year 10 crews. With this being the last big race before the National Schools Head of the River race, it was an important one with regard to testing the race tactics. Following this, the girls will have a two-week heavy training block before the big day.

There has been an extremely big change in the Year 9 crews with all girls improving their six minute ergo times by a considerable distance. This has meant small selection changes had to be made. The girls, however, did not disappoint and put in their best performances of the season.

The Year 10 second eight have been making steady process through the last term and this was another big step up on their mission for the Schools Head. They had some excellent parts to their racing and can go away from this event incredibly satisfied with their performance but knowing there are many areas to improve on.

The second division only had two BGS crews racing and this was the first time the first eight has been out to race all season. This boat has made a big technical change recently, which has been a positive move forward. The big question was whether it was possible to put the training into practice. This was a big race and the girls performed well with areas for improvement.

The four has had a difficult time with lack of preparation time but these girls rowed well down the 6k course with skill and determination winning their category.

Again, in this sport, it is always incredibly hard to single out one girl out in both the Senior and Junior categories but it is important that we acknowledge outstanding performances. Senior Girl of the Match award goes to the club captain Katie McDonagh (Upper Sixth) for her determination to hit a high rate for the whole 6k. This is an incredibly hard thing to do but it shows her mettle.

The Junior Girl of the Match this has become a competition to see who is the most helpful. This has really made a difference to the team atmosphere in a positive way. It did mean that we were one of the first schools to leave. However, a special mention does need to go to Emily Palmer who stepped up into the Year 10 quad.  Emily rowed exceptionally well justifying the decision for her to row in that boat. As a result the junior girl of the match goes to Emily Palmer.

The next race is the Schools Head or Scullery, which are effectively the National Schools head races which we now start to focus on.

View the full results here

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Head of Trent, Nottingham, Sunday 25th February 2018