Visiting the Heart of England
History Politics

Evie Riach (Year 7)

Last week (Friday 23rd February), Year 7 students visited the Black Country Museum in Dudley, Birmingham to investigate how and why Britain experienced the Industrial Revolution, what is was like to live during this time and the impact it had on society. The trip was definitely a highlight for all.

We learnt many new interesting facts about cars, the way people lived back in the 1800-1900 century, shops, houses and many more.

The trip on the canal boat experience was definitely my favourite part, we had a great time looking through all the mines, and what they were like back then. We had a go at legging, which is a method of moving a boat through a canal tunnel. A highlight was watching the teachers giving it a go!

Our guides took us through some lovely old-fashioned houses, I was amazed to see how small most of them were (and cold). We also had a guide around all the different types of shops. There was a chance for us to have a go with the toys outside that the children back then would have played with.

As we were walking through the outside museum, we saw some amazing horse and carriages. We saw a lady campaigning for votes for women out on the road. Finally ending up with everybody crowding into the sweet shop.

The trip in all was really enjoyable and interesting. Thank you very much to all the teachers who organised this fantastic trip.

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