Last week our Year 9 and Lower Sixth students engaged in collaborative workshop sharing ideas on Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. Emily Crossland (Year 9) and Kaia Sweatman (Lower Sixth) share their perspectives:
Emily Crossland (Year 9)
In our Year 9 English class, we are studying Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice and the characters’ attitudes to marriage. Last week, we joined the Lower Sixth who are also looking at similar themes. We created a class presentation on the characters attitudes to marriage and the Lower Sixth prepared a task for us all to discuss in groups. It was enlightening to hear the views of how different the Lower Sixth view the novel. We enjoyed discussing our love of this novel and how our ideas link to that of the Lower Sixth. It was a lesson that broadened our knowledge and we all thoroughly enjoyed it.
Kaia Sweatman (Lower Sixth)
Last week, our Lower Sixth English Literature group prepared presentations on key themes in Pride and Prejudice, such as friendship, parents and feminism; we shared our ideas with Mrs Barrett's Year 9 English class. It was great to work with the Year 9s in small groups and share a range of opinions and ideas to develop our understanding and love of Jane Austen's iconic novel. We were very impressed with the Year 9s level of understanding and engagement with the text.