Mrs Copp (Deputy Head of Junior School)
This week, our Year 6 girls have been reflecting on some of the poetry written in World War I. The use of powerful imagery and the impact of the language the poets used influenced the girls in their own poetry writing.
The girls also applied their skills to analyse, compare and contrast images of fields of poppies with war-torn fields. As a result, they feel more connection with the symbolism of the poppy at this poignant time of marking the centenary of the Great War, the ‘war to end all wars’.
Below is a poem written independently by Holly Maudlin and Grace Johnson (Year 6):
Remember me
Men lying in blood
While others still fighting on
Soldiers trudging in mud
Thinking of those who have gone
Women thinking of their lovers
Soldiers dying in pain
Men fighting with others
Germans bombing in their planes
Parents getting a telegram
Crying like never before
While their sons are in an never ending dream
As they drowned into the endless war
Marking the victory
As it sinks into history