Coin Trail for Children in Need
Junior School Charity

Mrs Inkson (Year 5 Teacher)

On Friday 16th November, The Junior School playground was covered in an enormous snake of coins! The event, which was organised by members of Junior Student Voice was raising money for Children in Need.

Classes were challenged to collect as many coins as possible in order to make the longest possible line.  Much thought and planning went into making sure classes had the highest volume of coins, with girls being encouraged to bring their donations in coppers rather than higher value coins.

The event was a huge success – surpassing all expectations. The total weight of coins collected was over 98kg, with three classes (5BA, 6C and 5I) all collecting over 15kg each. The snake of coins totalled over 400m long, raising a total of £623.29, which is an amazing achievement.

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Coin Trail for Children in Need