Breakfast Time Reads
Junior School

Miss Coote (Year 3 Teacher)

On Wednesday, Year 3 were thrilled to invite BGS parents in for our second Reading Breakfast of the year.

The parents were given the opportunity to observe guided reading led by Year 3 teachers before participating in and leading shared reading with small groups. The girls loved sharing their fabulous library and its books with their guests, and we are already looking forward to our third reading breakfast in December.

Mrs Martin adds: “It is so important for children to grow up in an environment that fosters a positive relationship towards reading. Reading Breakfasts are one example of how we encourage girls to LOVE reading! Working with our parents, we aim to model that reading is not be an isolated activity for after school or Library sessions. By immersing them with text by as many means as possible, it is conceivable for the girls to form deep connection and meaning.”

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Breakfast Time Reads