Year 4 Get Political
Junior School

Mrs Crawford-Smith (Year 4 Teacher)

This term, Year 4 have been studying the devastating effects of deforestation as part of their Unit of Enquiry, It’s Not All About the Chocolate.

Through thorough research of the topic, they began to discover the wealth of benefits that comes with cutting down the rainforest trees. After learning about the art of debating in English, the girls wrote their own arguments for and against banning deforestation, focusing on one aspect of the issue. For example, medicines, the logging industry, the greenhouse effect or loss of rainforest habitats.

On Thursday, 29th November, the Junior School hosted our local Labour MP, Mr Mohammad Yasin, for a debate. The debate was masterfully chaired by Nidhi Chandrapu and Lucy Maudlin. The panel for banning deforestation was made up of Avaani Katechia, Daisy Smith and Olivia O’Connor, with Evie Isherwood, Amber-Lilli McCarthy and Claudia Jewers opposing.

The teams thought about the compelling arguments, engaging with the opposing views and speaking strategically. After a gripping debate, the girls expertly fielded questions from the floor and it was clear that we have some budding politicians in the making. At the close of the debate the Year 4 pupils voted, with the team who argued against banning deforestation narrowly winning by just one vote!  

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Year 4 Get Political