A Tropical Fiesta
Junior School

Mrs Schofield (Head of Year 4)

On Thursday 29th November, The Randle Hall was transformed into a tropical fiesta as the Year 4 girls delighted their parents and family members with their dance pieces. 4S began with a strong Aztec focused dance, using a variety of shapes and lines. 4F followed with a colourful Salsa, swirling and clapping their hands to the rhythm of the music. Last but not least, 4CS performed their rainforest dance with the girls showing their own interpretations of different animal movements.

Miss Bream (Dance teacher) commented that the girls had responded enthusiastically to the choreography and had really enjoyed the different styles of dance.

It was really wonderful to see the girls exploring their Unit of Enquiry, It’s not all about the Chocolate, so creatively!

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A Tropical Fiesta