Junior School enjoy Educate Girls event
Junior School Charity

Mrs Cruse (Head of Year 9)

When girls start Year 9 they are introduced to their charity Educate Girls, India. The aim of this is for them to push themselves out of their comfort zones through raising awareness and money for their charity.

As part of a new initiative to give Year 9 girls some leadership experience, they have been asked to promote their charity and work closely with the girls in the Junior School. The Educate Girls committee decided to hold a Christmas fair for the girls In the Junior School during Tuesday Lunchtime.

The girls ran many stalls, including nail painting, hair braiding and henna. They even had biscuits to decorate with the Educate Girls logo. The girls organised the event themselves and managed to raise £224. Their next event is the annual red ribbon day on Wednesday 12th December; the girls will be selling ribbons from Monday during break and lunch in the Green Room for 50p.

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Junior School enjoy Educate Girls event