An Insight into Ophthalmology
Sixth Form Science

Davina Dhaliwal (Year 11)

On Wednesday 4th December, students from Year 10, 11 and Sixth Form attended a fascinating talk by Dr Annegret Dahlmann-Noor who is a consultant ophthalmologist at Moorfields Eye Hospital.

Dr Dahlmann-Noor talked to us about a ground breaking clinical trial in which a new eye drop is going to be developed, to slow down the worsening of myopia (short-sightedness) in children. There was also the opportunity to apply to become a lead advocate for this particular trial.

We experienced the types of engaging activities that a young person’s advocate for this trial would have to do. For example, we analysed an information leaflet about the trial, which is aimed at young children, and discussed what improvements we would make to it.

We were shown what the trial aimed to achieve and discovered some striking statistics that showed how common myopia really is. We also learnt that the primary cause of myopia is due to lack of exposure to sunlight, amongst other factors. 

Our thanks goes to Dr Dahlmann-Noor, for giving us a captivating insight into the world of Ophthalmology.

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An Insight into Ophthalmology