How Christmas Came to be
Junior School

Mrs Martin (Head of Year 3)

Christmas officially arrived in the Junior School last week (Thursday 6th December), as the artistic and talented Year 3 girls performed How Christmas Came to be to an enchanted audience, bringing the school and the wider community together.

The girls took the audience on an informative and musical journey through the ages to discover how the Christmas we know and love came to be. The audience learnt about old customs and how they have shaped our modern Christmas. With plenty of comedy moments and catchy songs in a variety of styles, we travelled from Ancient Rome right up to the 21st century, meeting some weird, wonderful, familiar and not-so-familiar characters on our journey! The girls were outstanding in their delivery of many of the key messages, poignantly so… that a little goodwill goes a long way.

It is so wonderful to see every Year 3 girl involved, taking on their role with such enjoyment. It has been the perfect time to reflect on how much each child has flourished since joining the school.

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How Christmas Came to be