Year 4 Shine in first Hockey Fixtures
Junior School Hockey

Mr Mason-Mcleod (Head of Hockey)

The Year 4 girls were all very excited ahead of their first hockey match verses Stephen Perse on Saturday morning. The girls competed against Stephen Perse A and B teams, who had already played five games this term.

There was fantastic support from families on the side-lines during and after the matches, which helped the girls immensely. Both games were very competitive: the girls lost 4-0 against the Stephen Perse A team and drew 2-2 against the B team.

After Christmas the girls will have an after school hockey practice, which further helps develop their hockey skills and game understanding. There will be more hockey fixtures in the New Year. Saturday was about having fun and enjoying representing the school, which the girls and parents certainly did.

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Year 4 Shine in first Hockey Fixtures