BGS Win Girls Overall Title!
Whole School Athletics

Mrs Howlett (Deputy Head of PE)

On a cold but bright Thursday afternoon (24th January) afternoon, the BGS cross-country team took to the fast undulating trails of the Bedfordshire District Championships in Priory Country Park. This cross-country course was a great test with changing surfaces, gradients and turns.

The mud, biting wind and unforgiving hills did not deter our talented Years 5-8 cross-country athletes, who shone through from start to finish, claiming the girls overall title.   

The cross-country team provides a true reflection of all the BGS sports coming together to form a super team for the run.

Mrs Howlett, Deputy Head of PE, said: “The experience and success from the Bedfordia Cross Country Run on Wednesday (16th January) was excellent preparation for this challenging race. The girls showed a renewed confidence in their race tactics and approached the race with stealth like determination.”


Years 5/6 finished 1st - Charlotte Brakenbury (Year 6) placed 3rd.

Year 7 finished 1st - Rosie Foster placed 1st.

Year 8 finished 1st - Gabriela Woodroffe-Gomez placed 1st.

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BGS Win Girls Overall Title!