This year’s Association Family Quiz Night will take place on Saturday 16th March.
This hugely popular inter-house event returns for another year. Come along and join in the fun with parents, staff and children. The event takes place in the Senior School where doors will open at 5.30pm for a 6.00pm start. Tables cost £20 per team with a maximum of ten contestants per table (any combination of adults and children) and we strongly advise you to bring a mix.
Catering-wise it’s bring your own. So please come armed with a picnic and everything you will need to consume it. House points will be awarded to all members of the winning quiz team, so please feel free to enter mixed house teams. There's also a prize on offer for 'the best dressed table’, which may or may not involve costumes, but certainly involves all aspects of picnicking and table decorating!
Application forms can be downloaded here.
Places are limited so please apply early and return the form with payment to either the Junior or Senior School Reception by Monday 4th March.
If you have any queries, please email The Association at [email protected]