Keyah Longdon and Jessica Parrish (Year 6)
On Friday 25th January, Year 6 gathered to watch traditional Chinese dancing, which included the lion dance and the ribbon dance. Every class was able to express themselves in the Chinese dancing with the colourful ribbon and the extravagant lion costume.
We had the chance to dress up in the amazingly detailed golden lion costume. We pulled the costume over our heads and bounced into action as he shouted ‘left right, forward and back.’
We were in order of height, tallest first, smallest last. The tallest had the opportunity to be the head of the lion, which moved. During the Chinese New Year, this is meant to scare the demons away, from the story of The Demon Nian, which we have studied in our Enhanced Curriculum lessons.
The other half of the workshop was ribbon dancing. We took hold of the vibrant silky ribbon and made shapes by waving it up in the air gracefully, as we spun around into the New Year of the Pig. This year it is on the 5th of February 2019.
We all really enjoyed the workshops. It was a completely new opportunity to explore a different culture.