Mrs Schofield (Head of Year 4)
On Thursday 24th January, Year 4 explored their new science focus with great enthusiasm. What makes something a solid? What are its properties? How do the particles in a solid behave? Exploring these questions and more, the girls are deepening their understanding of matter.
To consider the properties of gases, the girls conducted an experiment to test the gas present in fizzy drinks. Does gas weigh anything? Which fizzy drink contains the most gas, cola, lemonade or ginger beer? The girls observed the bottles, noting the bubbles and foam at the top, and made their predictions. Using scales the girls weighed the bottles, and then weighed them after shaking and releasing gas from the lid-not an easy task without creating a very sticky mess!
They concluded that gas does indeed weigh something. Sadly for some, they did not get to drink the fizzy pop, but they did learn how to conduct a fair test, record and conclude their results.