Last Saturday night two hundred parents, staff and friends of both Bedford Girls' School and Bedford School came together in Bedford School's Great Hall to celebrate Burns Night in our traditional joint biennial fashion.
There was tartan aplenty as everyone arrived in their finery and sat down to a magnificent meal of haggis, neeps and tatties. The arrival of the haggis was heralded by our own parent and piper, David Pinkney and then Neil McCleery, chaplain at Bedford School, gave a wonderful address and followed the meal with a very entertaining and thought-provoking tribute to Burns with his own 'Immortal Memory'.
A toast to the lassies was raised in true humorous style by Bedford School's Mr Silk (Headmaster of Prep School) and replied to on behalf of the lassies by Mrs Howe (Head of Junior School). All in all, it was a very entertaining evening, and that was before the ceilidh even began!
The Association would like to thank everyone for their enthusiastic support at this event and hope to see many of you at the Family Quiz Night on Saturday 16th March. For more details, click here.