Mrs Childs (Head of Year 6)
On Friday 12th February, 6C & 6NC showcased their learning in a Celebration Assembly. The assembly was set in the Jade Palace with various groups showing their learning to the Jade Emperor.
Chinese lanterns were presented to decorate the palace and the girls sang the nursery rhyme Shining Doll in Mandarin.
Alice, Grace, Ada and Holly read their work to demonstrate how writers use language to create an effect. They had thought about alliteration, metaphors, similes and personification. Their powers of imagery and language created clear pictures in the minds of the audience.
A short lesson in Mandarin, with reference to the Chineasy app, was introduced, followed by groups sharing their knowledge of the Oracle Bones, the writing discovered during the Shang Dynasty.
Over the last half term, Year 6 analysed Chinese tales, created scripts and shadow puppets. The assembly concluded with a short performance of one of the plays.
The Jade Emperor was very impressed with the different skills shown.