Ella Cotton (Upper Sixth)
On Tuesday, the Sixth Form Geography students accompanied by Ms March (Head of Geography) and Mr Thurston (Geography teacher) attended an informative lecture at Bedford School about hazards in New Zealand. Mr Richard Walker, who was a former Head of Geography at Bedford School, presented the lecture to large crowd.
For us Upper Sixth it was extremely beneficial as it helped us recap case studies and examples we did a year ago, and for the Lower Sixth it expanded their knowledge on hazards a course they are currently studying.
We learnt how New Zealand had so many diverse hazards, and how each one affected every area differently, ranging from the volcano in Taupo, which was the largest eruption in history, and the three volcanoes, which are popular tourist sites.
The insightful lecture has further broadened our understanding of hazards, and will be useful as additional information for our A level and IB studies.