Last week, audiences were treated to captivating and emotionally demanding performances of Euripides’ Iphigenia in the intimate Studio Theatre.
The Years 9 and 10 cast performed two plays; Andy Hinds version of Euripides’ Iphigenia in Aulis and Euripides’ Iphigenia in Tauris. The two plays tell the story of King Agamemnon and the preparations and aftermath of the war in Troy, they examine the difficult conflicts between duty and honour.
Emily Polhill (Year 9) who played the younger version of Iphigenia, said: “Iphigenia was, without a doubt, the most challenging production that I have ever taken part in and I loved every moment of it. The whole of our cast and production team worked really hard towards the performance and all this hard work really paid off. As a company, we all worked extremely well together, and it was incredibly rewarding to be part of such a tight and supporting ensemble.
“Our entire cast became very close throughout all the evening and weekend rehearsals and we all grew in confidence during the experience. I learnt a very valuable lesson about trusting others and really felt completely supported by the whole company. We all made and developed friendships and it was a truly amazing experience. I think all the cast would join me in giving a huge thanks to Mrs Lang for having so much faith in us all.”
Ellie Schwalm (Year 10), adds: “Iphigenia was a truly enlightening experience for me as it introduced me to the stories in Greek mythology and although it came with its challenges the final outcome was successful.”
Mrs Lang (Drama Teacher) said: “We are extremely proud of the girls for creating a true ensemble piece of theatre. The chorus was always the main character in the play, and they all grew in their ability to focus and concentrate for sustained periods of time, as well as in their understanding of how to support each other on the stage. It was a challenging choice of plays for Years 9 and 10 students, but they rose to that challenge admirably.”
View a gallery of photos from the production here.