An Insightful Careers Evening
Whole School Careers

Grace Younger (Year 11)

On Wednesday evening, students in Years 10 to Sixth Form and accompanying parents attended an engaging English and Modern Foreign Languages Careers Evening.

Visitors including past students shared their knowledge about the various career paths associated with studying English or a Modern Foreign Language.  The insightful careers evening was helpful as it gave me an opportunity to learn first-hand the importance of studying a modern foreign language not only in Sixth Form and university, but also the positive impact it has on your daily life and career.

The talks opened new doors for us that we didn’t think were possible and have given us a whole new perspective on where we can take our lives after school.

Mrs Hopkins (Head of English) said: “English is fundamental to our understanding of the world and underpins all aspects of our lives. It was fascinating to listen to such inspiring speakers and see where their English degrees had taken them, such a broad spectrum of exciting, varied professions in Europe and beyond.”

Madame Helm (Head of MFL), adds: “We were delighted to be able to welcome inspirational speakers to this event. It was stimulating to hear speakers such as Anneli Howard talk about her journey into language acquisition, how she always loved languages and the opportunities it created for her in enabling and facilitating communications with many different audiences and making her inquisitive of others and their ways of thinking. She uses her passion for languages daily in her professional life as a Barrister, specialising in EU Law (latterly Brexit).

“There were other fascinating speakers in attendance such as Dr Mara Fuertes-Gutierrez whose life as a lecturer and researcher is motivated by and dedicated to the study of languages and linguistics. Overall, the variety of speakers enabled our students and their parents to see the value of language learning and the different paths that a passion in language can lead to.”

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An Insightful Careers Evening