Showcasing Speech and Drama
Whole School Speech and Drama

Mrs Redford (Head of Speech and Drama)

On Thursday 21st March, the Speech and Drama department held their annual concert and showcase.

Girls from Years 3 to the Lower Sixth performed a diverse range of pieces that they had presented at the recent Bedfordshire Festival of Music, Speech and Drama including Shakespeare solos, verse speaking solos, verse duets, Group poems, Dramatic Solos and Duologues.

Manpriya Sira from Year 4 presented her poem that she had been selected to perform at the prestigious Gala concert and was one of three junior performers selected by the Adjudicators to compete for the most outstanding junior speech and drama award.

Polly Martin, Alex Wyper, Lily Howe and Martha Barnes performed their winning poem called The Story of Daniel the Dragon written by Polly’s grandfather, who came to the concert to celebrate the girls achievement and to see his work being brought to life in performance.

All 60 girls took to the stage at the start and end of the concert to perform two newly selected and prepared pieces that celebrated the power and passion for the spoken word. The girls excelled and gained from the experience of sharing their work with all year groups and the evening was a true celebration and acknowledgement of their achievements.

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Showcasing Speech and Drama