Señorita Diaz Lopez (Foreign Language Assistant, Spanish)
Last Friday, Year 4 were introduced to the different aspects and the cultural importance of La Feria de Sevilla, which is a Spanish festival held in Andalusian capital of Seville from 4th May to 11th May 2019. Each day the fiesta begins with the parade of carriages and riders; for the duration of the fair, the fairgrounds and a vast area on the far bank of the Guadalquivir River are totally covered in rows of marquees.
The girls learned what people do in La Feria de Abril, its customs, the flamenco dresses and finally, they learnt how to dance the well-known Sevillanas.
Señora Fudger Gálvez (Spanish teacher) adds: Las Sevillanas is a type of folk music and dance of Sevilla and its region. The girls thoroughly enjoyed the workshop, they were buzzing with their new dance moves and keen to repeat the performance. To dance Las Sevillanas really enriched our Spanish day and the girls learned more about the culture and language.”