LRC Latest Acquisitions
Junior School LRC

Mrs Jhall (Senior LRC Assistant)

The School Learning Resources Centre caters for the needs of the girls using both digital and hardcopy resources. It is important for them to explore a wide variety of research materials including specialist databases, books, newspapers and educational journals.

We have recently revitalised our magazine and newspaper collection, introducing new titles including First News, Eco Kids Planet, Teen Breathe, Science and Nature and for our older students Writers Forum.

First News is a weekly newspaper aimed at 7 to 14 years old, designed to get students talking about the news across the world, covering current affairs from politics, entertainment, sports to science and everything in between. 

Eco Kids Planet is a monthly magazine with each issue featuring a different ecosystem.  The magazine supports the national curriculum helping pupils extend their knowledge about the world we live in.

Teen Breathe focuses on the girl’s personal development with articles ranging from how to beat exam nerves, recipes, sports and the environment.

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