Mrs Winter (Head of Dance)
We are very proud to announce that Kate Emerson (Year 8) has successfully gained a place to perform at the New Theatre Oxford in English Youth Ballet's production of Cinderella in Hollywood (Friday 14th and Saturday 15th June 2019).
Kate is currently studying ballet Grade 6 at BGS under the direction of Mrs D’Arcy (Dance teacher). To achieve Grade 6 Level alongside gaining a place to perform with The English Youth Ballet, is a true representation of her commitment and dedication to this art form. This is her second show with the English Youth Ballet, the other was Swan Lake last year. Well done, Kate!
Kate reflected on her experience of the audition day, she said: “The auditions were split into juniors and seniors. I was in the senior section with about 100 girls auditioning but only 50 places could be awarded. We were given a number of exercises and phrases of movement that we had to pick up quickly and perform. The results of who made it into the production were announced straight away after the auditions. We were all waiting anxiously and gradually numbers were read out. I was so happy to hear my name announced. I am really excited to be in this show for The English Youth Ballet and I can’t wait to perform.”
Now in its 21st year, English Youth Ballet provides professional performance experience for talented young dancers. It has built a national reputation for the quality of both its full-length classical ballets and mixed bill programmes
For more details about the production and purchasing tickets, click here.