May 17th 2019
The Years 5 and 6 Rounders league has started this term, with over 100 girls representing 4 U11 teams and 4 U10 teams playing against local primary schools. Due to the weather, some of the Thursday night league games have been cancelled but the girls have still turned up to extra practices in wet conditions and are improving immensely.
Results so far in the games played, U11A beat St Andrews A, U11C lost 18-13 to Brickhill A team, U10C beat our U10D – 12.5 – 5, U10A beat our U10B 13 – 7, U10B beat Scott A – 16 – 6, U10B beat Castle Newnham A – 12 – 7.5 and U10C beat Brickhill A – 19.5 – 18.