Showcasing Music Technology
Senior School Music

Anika Sharma and Katie Sharrock (Upper Sixth)

On Thursday 23rd May, the annual Music Technology Showcase was held in Trinity. During this showcase, girls from all years in the Senior School presented the work that they had developed throughout the year in front of an extremely engaged audience of parents, students and staff. The pieces ranged from recorded mixes to electroacoustic loops prepared on programs such as Sibelius and Logic. They included a selection of Free Compositions from the current Year 11 GCSE Music cohort as well as original songs and pieces.

It was extremely interesting to listen to the many different genres of music, from musical theatre to techno, and discover the inspiration behind each piece. The calibre of pieces was high and demonstrated the musical interests and creativity of the individual members of the Music Technology Club and the current GCSE students. Overall, the evening was a big success and has inspired many students to continue developing more music.


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Showcasing Music Technology