Together we can make a difference
Sixth Form Charity

Last weekend, Rebecca Nisbet (Upper Sixth) took part in the Edinburgh Marathon Festival in aid of the charity Beat, which is the UK’s leading eating disorder charity. Rebecca ran the full marathon distance of 26.3 miles in very wet and windy conditions.     

We spoke to Rebecca about why she decided to raise awareness of Beat, she said: “Many of you already know of my struggles with eating disorders, as well as anxiety and depression, from which I am now recovering and rediscovering the joy of physical activity and the positive effect it promotes for your mental health and wellbeing. Exercise is a celebration of what your body can do, and for me, running allows me to do exactly this, and to see how far I've come.

“I am passionate about raising awareness of eating disorders and breaking the stigma around people who struggle with them. They affect people of all different shapes, sizes, genders and age, and no one should feel their body type should stop them from getting treatment, as they are very much mental illnesses, with physical implications.”

You can donate to Rebecca’s Just Giving page here.

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Together we can make a difference