Lower Sixth Work the Room
Whole School Careers

A big thank you to parents, alumnae, governors and the wider community who helped make the Work the Room workshop a huge success.

The Lower Sixth Form students, dressed appropriately for the occasion, practised their networking skills with guests from a diverse range of professional backgrounds ranging from the Civil Service to law, accountancy to engineering and the arts to marketing. The girls truly embraced the experience and as the evening progressed, they built in their confidence and the thoughtfulness of their questions.

Once again, we are thankful to parent and The Alumna Chair, Kate Whitlock (1993), for facilitating the networking workshop that the girls attended prior to the reception. Kate is a professional coach and we are very grateful for the guidance the girls received under her expertise.

Our alumnae network is a diverse and inspiring collection of women and we encourage them to take an active interest in the life of the school whether in time, expertise or support in order to benefit our current girls through networking, work experience and opportunities for career progression. In recent weeks we have been able to help facilitate work experience in varied areas including Law, Hospitality and Biomedicine, as well advice given about a career in the army and careers using Psychology.

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Lower Sixth Work the Room