Outstanding Public Speeches
Whole School English

Congratulations to all our Years 7 – 9 pupils who gave outstanding speeches in the BGS 2019 Public Speaking Competition on Wednesday.

The standard this year was high as ever, the judges highly commended the girls' enthusiasm, public speaking skills and their creative interpretation of current themes.

Morgan Forbes won the Year 7 event with her delivery of Gender Neutral Toilets, while Year 8 pupil Tesha Wikramanayake stood out for her speech, I'm straight, don't worry.

Lastly, Year 9 pupil Kiera Footman, won the Year 9 event with her excellent delivery of The World in Twenty Years.

Thank you to our judges and former BGS staff, Mrs Sue Willis, who was an Assistant Head at BGS and Mrs Oldfield, who was Head of English at Bedford High School and went on to teach English at BGS.

Mrs Hopkins, Head of English, said: “We are the delighted with the way all girls in Years 7, 8 and 9 have developed the essential life skill of speaking in public, which will stand them in good stead for the future. They are confident and resilient communicators who demonstrated their ability to research and deliver well thought ideas, whilst also positioning their arguments on many key social issues."

View photos of the winners here.


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Outstanding Public Speeches