Write On Fiction Fest

On Tuesday, the Write On team organised our very first Fiction Fest. The rain held off and with strawberries and cream to enjoy, girls were invited to share their creative writing in the informal relaxed setting of the gardens. From poems and short stories to opinion articles and satire, the wealth of talent was quite overwhelming; it was a joy to observe girls of all ages coming together and celebrating so much talent! 

BGS Sixth Former and author of the book, Fatal Collisions, Louie Judd said: “The Fiction Fest was such an amazing experience to be a part of. Thanks to Mrs Hoar (Challenge and Extend Co-ordinator), I was able to sign copies of my book for those who wanted, as well as speak for a short period about the journey I had while writing it. It was such an amazing sight to experience all of the girls’ works; I believe that there were many future authors and poets within the mix that we saw on the day.

“I am also proud to be part of a school that works so hard to encourage students and that helps to support them in their ventures. I can safely say that my confidence would never have been so high without the encouragement that I have received from the BGS community."

Year 8 students, Noor Jameel and Ambar Chaudary stated: “It was a great experience as it allowed people’s voices to be heard and could encourage you to continue writing, especially from the support of the audience.”


Write On Fiction Fest 2019, Senior School

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Write On Fiction Fest