The Enchanter’s Daughter
Junior School Drama and Dance

Mrs Howe (Director of Dance and Drama)

On Thursday 20th June, Year 4 took part in a Puppet Workshop run by practitioners from the internationally renowned Little Angel Theatre, which is ‘dedicated to creating and sharing inspiring stories to ignite the imaginations of young minds’.

Using the beautifully illustrated story of The Enchanter’s Daughter by Antonia Barber as their starting point, the girls designed and made table-top puppets that brought to life the main characters in the story. Working with focus and joyful creativity, the pupils were a credit to the school, as highlighted by the high praise their work received from the workshop leaders.

The girls demonstrated strong problem solving throughout with the confidence to take risks and produce original ways of realising their puppets that showed a good degree of originality and creative flair. Well done to all the girls and we look forward to seeing them develop as puppeteers as they explore telling the story in lessons.

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The Enchanter’s Daughter