Investigating renewable energy
Junior School

In the second part of the summer term, Year 4 have been studying electricity in their science lessons. They have been building and evaluating electrical circuits and testing different materials to see what makes a good conductor or insulator.

Using their knowledge gained in the lessons, the classes have been taking it in turns to visit the Boatslide Hydro Power Facility located by the Schools’ Boat House on the River Great Ouse.

Mrs Crawford-Smith (Year 4 teacher) said: “It has been a fantastic opportunity to show the girls first hand a renewable and sustainable power source. The once derelict Victorian boat slide was converted to a power station in 2012 and is used to power the street lighting along the river and the remaining power is sold back to the National Grid.

“The girls were amazed to learn that by the river water turning the turbines, 168,000 kilowatt hours of energy is generated every year, saving taxpayers £32,000 and 70,000 kilograms of CO2 per year.”

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Investigating renewable energy