Computing in the real world
Senior School Computer Science

Mr Potter (Director of Digital Strategy)

Last Thursday, the Year 10 Computer Scientists went on a trip to the University of Buckingham School of Computer Science. We had previously made links with the school through their outreach work where they had visited BGS to run sessions with the girls on AI in the medical field, mixed reality and steganography. 

The girls attended thought provoking workshops on networking, problem solving and using histograms and AI to spot skin cancer. After a picnic on the riverbank, we had a tour of the campus which concluded with a stop off to meet a robot from Cardiff Metropolitan University called Eureka. The robot is programmed to recognise human emotions and provide a response to how an individual might be feeling. This also promoted a discussion with the Dean of the School of Computing, Dr Harin Sellahewa and the girls on whether they prefer robots to look like robots, or have more human features.

It was a very enjoyable day, which opened the girl’s eyes to how Computer Science can have real world impact.

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Computing in the real world