Year 5 Building Structures
Junior School

Mrs Whomsley (Head of Year 5)

As part of our first week back to school, the new Year 5 cohort were set a challenge to reflect on the choice of the school’s values of Bold, Imaginative and Reflective. The girls worked with friends from across the year group and were assigned one value to focus on whilst they designed and constructed a model using spaghetti and marshmallows.

Whilst the structures they created were impressive, the girls found that the task was made more challenging by only being allowed to focus on one value. The girls discussed how there was a need for balance of using all three in order to create the structures they envisaged.

With so many new girls joining the year, the Year 5 teachers were impressed with the collaboration between the girls and to see new friendships developing across the year group. We were also fascinated with the quality of discussion from the girls’ insights about the way they learn.

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Year 5 Building Structures