Maintaining a Healthy Body and Mind
Junior School

Mrs Schofield (Head of Year 4)

Last Friday, Year 4 were put through their paces as part of a fun introductory learning experience looking into their new Unit of Enquiry focusing on health and well-being. The morning began with a carousel of activities looking at nutrition, sugar content of popular foods and drink, healthy lifestyle choices and the effects of over-eating and smoking.

The girls had to communicate effectively as a team and use their knowledge and thinking skills to complete each task. Then, the music began and the girls were placed in small groups to complete a very demanding circuit of physical tasks, including step-ups, plank football, trampettes, sit-ups and boxing to name but a few! The girls worked extremely hard, and showed real determination and commitment to each exercise. All left with a healthy glow, and their minds buzzing with ideas about how to maintain a healthy body and mind.

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Maintaining a Healthy Body and Mind