A Reunion from all eras
Whole School Alumnae

On Saturday 14th September, the annual DAHSA reunion took place for alumnae of all eras. This year the reunion incorporated two mini reunions, the Class of 1994 and the Classes of 1972, 1973 and 1974. There was a lot of catching up and many had not been back in to school since they had left.

The general reunion was well attended with over 100 attendees, from all eras including Classes of 1969, 2000 and 2009, along with some former teachers as well as lots of new faces. Guests were able to enjoy a delicious afternoon tea in the Assembly Hall as well as browsing the archives in the Learning Resource Centre.

We were lucky to have a beautiful sunny day and guests were taken on tours of the Junior and Senior School and garden, led by a group of enthusiastic Year 11 and Sixth Form students.

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A Reunion from all eras