First Lacrosse Team Victorious

The first day of term started with the usual tradition of the First Lacrosse Team v the Old Girls’ at Cople Fields, where we invite the whole community to come along and enjoy this start to the new academic year. 

As usual the competitive levels were high and it was a closely fought match, with the final score 10-7 to the First Team. The rules of the game have recently changed and a side is now reduced to ten players.

Kirstie Moffat (2016) was awarded Player of the Match for her impressive play as Goalkeeper. Director of Sport, Mrs Mason-McLeod commented: “Kirstie was dynamic and made some incredible saves to keep the score as close as it was. She played completely without fear, moving quickly and with great precision to save the ball! A top quality goalkeeping performance from a much missed old girl”.

Some other stand out performances came from old girls Katie Parrish (2017) and Annie Marks (2018) in attack. They both gave the BGS defence a tough time and at times and had them turned inside out! Lower Sixth player Maddie Axford was particularly impressive and made the more demanding new 10 a-side game look a breeze, covering most of the pitch and scoring some impressive goals.

OG Team – Emily Allen (2019), Cecilia Castell (2019), Isabella Devile (2019), Ellie Hind (2019), Mel Houghton (2019), Ellie Lawton (2018), Fleur Leech (2019), Annie Marks (2018), Kirstie Moffat (2016), Katie Parrish (2017), Alex Sadler (2016), Annabel Sadler (2014) and Judith Tarrant (2019).

First Lacrosse Team v the Old Girls’, September 2019

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First Lacrosse Team Victorious