What’s Inside a Computer?
Junior School Computer Science

Mrs Inkson (Year 5 Teacher)

The Junior School Computing Club started off the term with a bang this week when the girls were given an old computer to investigate. Looking around the outside of the black box didn’t give many clues – the girls could see some holes on the side and some places where things might plug in but that was it. 

After some discussion, the girls decided to try and take it apart to see what was inside. Full of a maze of wires, some of the parts could be taken out quite easily but some were very tricky. The girls had to use their teamwork and problem solving skills to work out the best way to tackle it. They managed to separate out most of the components. Next week they are tasked with removing the motherboard and the remaining components.

Extra-curricular clubs such as the Computing Club inspire creative thinking and encourage the development of skills that will translate back into curriculum study and prove invaluable in the real world. The girls can explore, observe, engage, solve problems and make exciting discoveries for themselves.  

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What’s Inside a Computer?