Year 9 had the first of their PSHE Days on the afternoon of Wednesday 11th September. The theme was Understanding Our Brains, supporting the Sense of Self strand of the PSHE curriculum.
The girls learnt about what makes the teenage brain unique, how to understand their needs and what it means to have a growth mindset. The aim was to give the girls the understanding and the strategies they need to gain control of their perception of events, in order to maintain good emotional wellbeing. They learnt about the changes their brain is currently undergoing, and why experiencing failure is an important part of success.
The girls engaged enthusiastically, working in groups, they developed a new appreciation of the challenges and opportunities presented by this next stage in their development.
Mrs Lang, Head of PSHE, said: “'I was very impressed by the girls' enthusiasm and willingness to engage with new ideas. We feel it is important for the girls to comprehend these changes in their brain. I am sure this will help set the foundation for a happy and successful year ahead.”