Mrs Martin (Head of Year 3)
This week Year 3 have been busy welcoming guests from some of our feeder schools. They have welcomed girls from Pilgrims Pre-Preparatory School and Polam. Our visitors have been immersed in snippets of life in the Junior School through Dance, Music, English, Art and Science.
On Tuesday, the girls produced beautiful Autumnal artwork using wax crayons and watercolours. They created an interpretive dance with Miss Bream, whilst Mr Keating-Roberts, Director of Music, taught an African marching song, which provided a fitting to end our morning session.
On Thursday, Polam joined us for another morning of teamwork. They also enjoyed Music before taking part in a creative art session. Taking inspiration from the picture book The Dot, the girls used the words ‘Make a mark and see where it takes you’ as a springboard for a wonderful period of creativity, developing pictures with different dots in wonderful shades of colours.
Year 3 girls love the opportunity to act as supportive hosts, to meet up with their old teachers and friends and to show them how quickly they have settled into life at BGS.