Mrs Morgan (Senior School Eco Co-ordinator)
As it is National Recycling Week, members of the Junior and Senior Eco Club weighed the pens they had collected for recycling last term. The total amount achieved was just over 5kgs. This is all part of a scheme run by TerraCycle, who recycle the ‘non-recyclable’ such as pens, coffee capsules and plastic gloves. In return for sending our pens, they will award points for the amount collected and these points can then be converted into cash for the school or charity.
We are also acting as a drop off location so local businesses/organisations may wish to collect on our behalf - all they need to do is leave the pens at Reception and the Eco Club will do the rest. TerraCycle operate other recycling programmes and we have decided to extend our efforts to also include snack packaging, toothpaste tubes and contact lenses packs.