Natalie Simmons (Year 10)
A group of Year 10 artists had a productive time in Bedford last Friday, collecting lots of images and research for our Structures project.
At the beginning of the trip, we walked along the embankment and started taking photos of the bridges. We then stopped at the bandstand and spent around 20 minutes drawing from a primary source. After this, we walked through town, towards St Paul’s church and took photos of the architecture on the inside and outside of the church.
We spent a couple of hours in the church drawing from more primary sources and used a range of pencils and pens. We focused on adding tone and creating depth. We will use the primary source drawings as coursework in our books, and use the photos we took, as secondary sources to work from later on in the year.
Mrs Lugsden, Head of Art and Textiles, said: “Year 10 Art girls spent the morning collecting evidence for their Structures project by taking photographs and producing primary source studies. The quality of work was superb, and girls have already made good use of this research in their coursework.”