Mrs Potter (Year 6 Teacher)
Today, the Junior School took part in their annual Harvest Assembly. The theme this year was ‘sharing’ and we began by thinking about the many different things we can share with others: objects, ideas, skills and talents. They thought about how sometimes sharing can be a hard thing to do, but recognised that when you share, you are trying to help make things better, for you and for the person you are sharing with.
The assembly moved on to think about Harvest, and how this is an important time when we can share food with others. They learnt about how Christians take this as a message to share and to help one another. At this time of year, when farmers are gathering in the crops that they have grown and are harvesting foods, we think of how we can help others. Part of this is to share food with people who are in need and we are very grateful to the parents and girls for their generous harvest donations.
At lunchtime, the Junior Head Girls’ Team boxed up some of the donations and delivered them to the residents of Rays Close to thank them for being good neighbours. The rest of donations have been taken to the King’s Arms Project who support homeless people in our community.