Sculpture Artist Inspires Students
Senior School Art & Textiles

We welcomed alumna, Harriet (Harry) Lusty (2015), back in to school on Wednesday for a talk to current Senior School students who are interested in pursuing further study in arts based subjects. Harry has just graduated from the University of Edinburgh, where she studied Sculpture and will be taking up a job in the New Year as an Art Technician with Sotheby’s.

After leaving BGS, Harry undertook her Art Foundation at Bedford College before completing her degree programme. She shared this route with the students and provided her workbooks for them to look at. This provided them with a greater understanding of the learning through exploration process, which is a major characteristic of an arts degree. She also explained that she learnt to work with lots of different sculpting materials such as metal, clay and paper.

Throughout her time at university, she became interested in the manipulation of space and light and this has become a trait of her work. Specialising in paper, Harry showed the working process of her Degree Show with the students and the challenges she faced with hanging her installation and the opinions of those critiquing her work.

Harry is one of 60 graduates who has been asked to exhibit at the New Contemporaries Exhibition 2020 at the Royal Academy of Art & Architecture in Edinburgh in February.

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Sculpture Artist Inspires Students