Miss Dawson, Biology Teacher (CAS & Service Coordinator)
During the Autumn Term, Year 10 have been taking part in an advocacy programme called Giving Forward. Over a number of sessions, the girls discussed social issues, and then in small groups they chose one they felt passionate about and a local charity that would help address that issue. During the October half term break, the groups visited their chosen charity, met the staff and volunteers and spoke to members of the public who used the charity.
On their return to school, they put together a five-minute presentation, including a video, to show what their charity did and why they deserved to win the £1000 grant on offer.
After the internal finals, seven teams have been selected to go through to the final on Monday 2nd December, where they will present to a panel of judges from the school and local community in order to win one of three grants (£1000, £300 or £200) for their charity. These teams are representing Bedford Women’s Centre, Carers in Bedfordshire, MIND BLMK, CHUMS, BRASS, Bedfordshire Police Partnership Trust and the Clophill Heritage Trust.